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The history of DEMO: An experiment in regeneration harvest of northwestern forest ecosystems. Northwest Science 73:3-11.

Northwest Scientific Association 2018 Meeting

  • 27 Mar 2018
  • 6:00 PM
  • 30 Mar 2018
  • 5:00 PM
  • Olympia, Washington


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • To qualify you must be a 2018 member of NWSA AND be currently enrolled as a student at a school.
  • Not a member? For $20 you can become a NWSA member, save $5 on registration, receive 4 issues of Northwest Science, get reduced page charges for publishing, compete for student grants, and more. Select Membership on the Home Page, join, and then return here to register.
  • Cost covers only the events for Wednesday (welcome, keynote address, poster session, concurrent & special sessions, Wednesday Workshops) and Friday's Field Trip.
  • Cost covers only the events for Thursday (concurrent & special sessions, Thursday workshops, NWSA Business Luncheon) and Friday's Field Trip.
  • To qualify you must be a currently enrolled student at The Evergreen State College. Be sure to use your TESC e-mail address when registering.
    Registration is limited to the first 40 registrants.
  • Pre-approved volunteers receive free registration. Inquire with Dylan Fisher,
  • To qualify you must be a 2018 member of NWSA AND be currently enrolled as a student at a school.
  • Not a member? For $20 you can become a NWSA member, save $5 on registration, receive 4 issues of Northwest Science, get reduced page charges for publishing, compete for student grants, and more. Select Membership on the Home Page, join, and then return here to register.
  • Cost covers only the events for Wednesday (welcome, keynote address, poster session, concurrent & special sessions, and Wednesday workshops) and Friday's field trips.
  • Cost covers only the events for Thursday (concurrent & special sessions, Thursday workshops, and NWSA Business Luncheon) and Friday's field trip.

Registration is closed

The NWSA 89th Annual Meeting at The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington.

Coping With Change Through Innovation: New Approaches, Tools, & Collaborations


Program Sponsors: The Evergreen State College, Northwest Lichenologists, Washington Department of Natural Resources, & United States Forest Service.


Please refer to the NWSA website for the latest details on the Annual Meeting's program, schedule, and logistics.  

No refund on registration.

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