NWSA Board of Directors

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Name Organization / Affiliation Board position
Brian Atwater U.S. Geological Survey and University of Washington Journal Committee Chair
Daniel Gavin University of Oregon Past President
David Shaw Oregon State University President
Edward Sala Washington State University Press WSU Press Representative
Elizabeth Binney Biology Dept., Western Washington University Board - General
James Lamping University of Oregon Communication and Outreach Committee Chair
Jeffrey Kane Humboldt State University Student Grants Committee Chair
John Orcutt Gonzaga University Board - General
Jon Riedel Geologist Program Committee
Jonathan Bates USDA-ARS Board - General
Keala Hagmann Applegate Forestry LLC. & University of Washington Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee Chair
Kellee Boyer Oregon State University Incoming Treasurer
Leo Bodensteiner Western Washington University Board - General
Lucy Kerhoulas Cal Poly Humboldt Editor of Northwest Science
Neil Williams USDA Forest Service, ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow Secretary; Webmaster
Robin Lesher US Forest Service, retired Treasurer
Upekala Wijayratne U.S. Forest Service Board - General