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The history of DEMO: An experiment in regeneration harvest of northwestern forest ecosystems. Northwest Science 73:3-11.


Chief Editor of Northwest Science: Dr. Lucy Kerhoulas

Editorial Board

The pages of Northwest Science are open to original and fundamental research in the basic, applied, and social sciences. All submissions are refereed by at least two qualified peer reviewers. Papers are welcome from authors outside of the Pacific Northwest if the topic is suitable to our regional audience.

“Accepted articles in press” for the upcoming issue of Northwest Science

Click here to view accepted abstracts (and pre-prints of selected articles) for upcoming issues of volume 96. 

Recent and Current Issues (volumes 81-present):  years 2007 to Present

  • Northwest Science is available via, free to all NWSA members. 
    • Click here for access (note: you must first log in as a member using the "log in" link at the top of the page). 
  • Non-members can view Table of Contents and individual abstracts here.
  • Note: Articles in Volume 96 on BioOne are temporarily free to everyone courtesy of BioOne. However, you must create a free BioOne account to access these papers. Click "Download Paper" then create an account--BioOne requires minimal information to create a free account. Northwest Science members also must create BioOne accounts also to access these papers. 

Past Issue Archive (volumes 1-80): years 1927 to 2006

Electronic PDF files of Northwest Science articles are available upon request.  On a temporary basis, contact Robin Lesher if you are in need of a specific article.  Please provide the full citation as there is no ability to search for articles. 

We are working on a new home to provide public access to our archived journals. 

Prospective authors:

Instructions for authors are available in Northwest Science or by downloading the most current author instruction guide. Papers not formatted for Northwest Science will be promptly returned to authors.

Electronic submissions of manuscripts are only accepted using our online manuscript submission and tracking software. First-time authors will have to register and then follow instructions about uploading manuscript files. Using this web site, authors can check the status of their manuscript and communicate with editorial staff.

There are page charges to publish papers in Northwest Science. Current rates are $65 and $80 per journal page for members and non-members, respectively.

New for 2023! Open Access publication in Northwest Science will soon be possible. Open Access licensing options are now being added to the manuscript submission process. The fee for Open Access publication is $2,500, but page charges are waived.

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