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The history of DEMO: An experiment in regeneration harvest of northwestern forest ecosystems. Northwest Science 73:3-11.

Abstract deadline extended and remote attendance registration rate

24 Feb 2023 7:28 PM | Daniel Gavin (Administrator)

We have extended the abstract deadline to midnight, March 1st!

The meeting will be hybrid: remote attendance is possible. We now have a lower registration rate for those attending purely remotely.  Though very few of the ca. 85 submitted abstracts as of Feb 24th are planning on presenting remotely, this is currently an option too.  Please consider participating in this opportunity to connect, reconnect, share, and learn at our annual meeting!


  • 27 Feb 2023 1:52 AM | Daniel Gavin (Administrator)
    A preview of the presentation titles for all invited and contributed talks is now available on the meeting website
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