Student Poster Competition Winners

The Student Poster Competition took place at NWSA Annual Meetings before the Covid=19 pandemic. Past winners of this competition are listed below.


1st Place

Michael Meyer

Washington State University

Vulnerability of rotifer and copepod nauplii prey to copepod predation in Flathead Lake, Montana. -- Award $50


2st Place

Elise Bugge

Washington State University

Decreasing N2 fixation in Lobaria oregana is likely caused by anthropogenic emissions -- Award $30


3rd Place

Kassandra C. Townsend

University of Idaho

Presence of northern Idaho ground squirrels Urocitellus brunneus influenced by other small mammals species and environmental factors -- Award $20


1st Place

Leila Duchac, Damon Lesmeister, Katie Duggar, & Zack Ruff

Oregon State University

Can passive acoustic monitoring detect and identify vocalization patterns in two congeneric forest owls in the Pacific Northwest?


2nd Place (tie)

Suphasiri Muttamura & Stewart James

Southern Oregon University

Geographic variation in vocalizations of American pikas (Ochotona princepts) in southwestern Oregon and northern California


2nd Place (tie)

Erika Petzinger, Roger Rosentreter, & Marcelo Serpe

Boise State University

University     Identification of a dark septate fungus that forms a symbiotic association with Artemesia tridentata


1st Place

Christina Murphy & Alyssa Shie

Oregon State University

Evaluation of Trace Element Concentrations in Oregon's Edible Wild-Foraged Mushroom Species


2nd Place

Kate Petersen, Lalita Calabria, & Amanda Bidwell

Evergreen State College & University of Washington

Quantifying seasonal variability in nitrogen-fixation by cyanobacteria associating with mosses Niphotrichum elongatum,Pleurozium Schreberi and Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus in a northwest prairie ecosystem


3rd Place

Andrew Child, Barry Moore, Jeffrey Vervoort, Marc Beutel

Washington State University & University of California - Merced

Freshwater food poisoning: Tracking availability and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in freshwater zooplankton in northeastern Washington


Honorable Mention

Chhaya Werner

University of California - Davis

Spatial and temporal contingency in rapid primary succession following removal of the Elwha River dams


1st Place

Melissa Pingree

University of Washington

Wildfire and Wildfire-deposited Charcoal in Rain Shadow Forest Soils of the Olympic Peninsula


2nd Place

Ryan Reihar

Eastern Washington University

White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) Larvae Feeding Ecology and Prey Availability in the Upper Columbia River, USA


3rd Place

Jarrett Cellini

Eastern Washington University

Climate Effects on the Relationship Between Invasive Annual Grasses and Biological Soil Crust in Eastern Washington


Honorable Mention

Abby Watt

The Evergreen State College

Small Differences in Elevation Make a Big Difference For Physiological Responses of Understory Plants to Drought Conditions


 1st Place

Justin Poinsatte

Washington State University

Snowpack as a Reservoir of Nitrogen Deposition in Subalpine Ecosystems of the Cascades


2nd Place

Shawna Warehime

Eastern Washington University

The Short-term Effects of Different Anesthetics on Rainbow Trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) Swimming Ability


3rd Place

Zoe Rushton

Central Washington University

Holocene Fire Reconstruction of the Long Lake Area Near Rimrock Reservoir in the Eastern Cascades, Washington


1st Place

Nathaniel Looker

Montana State University

Intra- and Inter-specific Variability of Transpiration on Montane Hillslopes


2nd Place

Nicholas Silverma

University of Montana

Evaluating Streamflow Trends Using Runoff Sensitivity to Land Use and Climate Change


3rd Place

Justin Crotteau

University of Montana

Managing for Resilience in Rocky Mountain Lodgepole Pine: Effects of Heterogeneous Stand Treatments on Woody Surface Fuels Dynamics and Postulated Fire Behavior


Honorable Mention

Michael Skinner

Lewis-Clark State College

Seasonal Diet of a Population of Western Terrestrial Garter Snakes,Thamnophis elegans, Along the Grand Ronde River, Southeastern Washington


Honorable Mention

John Sugden

Montana State University

Soil Controls on Vegetation in Hyalite Canyon