Supporting young scientists in their research endeavors is an important function of the NWSA. Each year, the Northwest Scientific Association solicits proposals from students to support their research or travel to attend the NWSA Annual Meeting. Supporting young scientists in their research endeavors is an important function of the NWSA. Students applying for grants must be a member of the NWSA.
A separate student poster competition previously took place at NWSA annual meetings. Although this competition has not been held since before the COVID-19 pandemic, past award winners can be found here.
The Outstanding Scientist award is presented by the NWSA to scientists that have made significant scientific contributions in northwestern North America. Our Outstanding Scientists are listed here, and you can nominate a new Outstanding Scientist.
The Honorary Life Membership is awarded by the NWSA to members that have made significant contributions of service to the Association. Honorary Life Members are listed here, and you can nominate a new Life Member.