Nominate an Outstanding Scientist or NWSA Life Member

The Board of the Northwest Scientific Association (NWSA) is accepting nominations for two awards: Outstanding and Honorary Life Member.

 To submit a nomination:

  • You must be a current member of the NWSA.

  • In the body of the e-mail provide your name and contact information, the name of the individual you are nominating, and the award type.  Attach or include the requested supporting materials that describe how that individual meets the criteria as listed below for that award.

  • Send the requested information to the NWSA President, Dan Gavin.

Outstanding Scientist 

  • The nominee does not need to be a member of the NWSA.

  • Award may not be given each year.

  • In rare instances the award may be given to more than one nominee in the same year.

  • The 'northwest' is defined as northwestern North America (USA: Alaska, northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana; Canada:  British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon).

  • Nominations should concisely describe how that individual meets the 5 criteria below.

1)  The person shall be known nationally or internationally for his/her scientific accomplishments, or shall have performed work of outstanding importance to the Northwest.

 2)  A majority of his/her work shall have been accomplished either while the person resided in the Northwest, or shall have been performed on northwestern systems.

 3)  Preference shall be given to residents whose work is of importance to the region.

 4)  Preference shall be given to those past or nearing retirement, and to those whose accomplishments have not received sufficient notoriety via other awards.

 5) Provide a curriculum vitae (CV), if possible, to the Awards and Honors Committee.

 Our current list of Outstanding Scientists is here

Honorary Life Membership (nominee must be a current NWSA member)

 1.  What outstanding service has been provided to the NWSA?

 2.  Has the service to the NWSA been provided for at least a decade?

Our current list of Honorary Life Members is here